Be a voice, not a noise

Breakthrough Generation is a group of young Christians from various church congregations who have different personalities, passions and talents, but one objective: making Him known.
Our name, Breakthrough Generation, declares prophetically that we are the generation that will break through and tear down all the walls of confusion that we deal with nowadays. Everyone is capable of breaking through. Even though you may not realize how much power is inside of you, YOU can also break through. Just receive, reach in and reach out! For more information, please refer to the extendable salvation button next to our logo.

As young Christians, we believe that we have been empowered to be a blessing so that love may radiate through our lives. We aim to spread true salvation among our generation in the Netherlands so that we may all enjoy the gift of righteousness thereby overcoming circumstances through faith, hope and love.

Our mission is to establish our generation in the Netherlands in:

  • Hope through encouragement;
  • Faith through discipleship;
  • Unity through fellowship;
  • Confidence through empowerment;
  • Purpose through direction setting;
  • Enjoyment through engagement;
  • Identity through self reflection.

To achieve our mission, we frequently organize activities for young people and young adults. However, we do not exempt people of all other ages. Examples of our activities are gatherings during which we share experiences and revelation, events during which we praise and worship God through songs and casual activities such as dinners, sport activities and game nights.

Love, in our opinion, is a powerful concept that can change the world in a positive sense. Love is pure, patient, kind and, most importantly, love is selfless. The greatest love we will ever know is God’s unconditional love for us. Therefore it is important that everyone is informed about this. From a generous heart we want to spread the message of God’s love.